Friday, November 7, 2008

Blogs and Intranets

In many companies the intranet serves as the primary window the executive voice. In most of these companies it is likely a text on an LCD display.

Isn't there something better? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Blogs are safe to a large degree inside the company. If you are willing to listen to some feedback from employees, and let others read it alongside you, blogs are a viable solution. In a time when many employees get their information from the company notebooks they carry round the world or the local office, why not put your message in front of them using a medium that resonates with them?

You won't engage everyone. Some employees like to read long laborious memos. Some like to print them and save them for future reference. Blogs may not reach these folks. They DO reach the percentage of your population that wants to move forward, engage in the dialogue and get behind something that moves them forward as part of something bigger. Blogs are for these employees.

Take a tour of a few videos and vendors.



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