Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chinese Proverbs - Wisdom for Social

Some wisdom is timeless. Chinese proverbs generally fall into this category as they have been tested over time for soundness.

A foundation of social media is sharing. Marketers provide some information valuable to the public in return for their contact information. On the surface it is a fair exchange. Prospective clients are qualified at a basic level and the client gains the information that interested them.

A fool judges people by the presents they give him.

So how does someone ensure they are connecting with the right company or individual? At times the contact info is harmless ,but at times it can be a long process to break when the "wrong" person gets your information. The calls and email are persistent, at times even after a "not interested, thank you". This breaks the foundation of why social media is so exciting.

Please resist the urge to hand out contact information to just anyone. A rule of thumb is to provide it only to those that you would like to speak with by phone. Don't be fooled by charm and "too good to be true" nature of free downloads and white papers. Some are genuine, some are not worth the hassle.

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